By adopting an otter, you’ll be helping to provide the care, food and vet treatment for an otter to be able to be released into the wild with a better chance of survival. Otters are real superstars in helping local ecosystems thrive! They help maintain the ecological health of an area by maintaining kelp forests. Kelp forests support a range of additional wildlife, such as fish and mussel beds, and can also absorb billions of kilograms of carbon from the atmosphere.


We are unable to provide a cost benefit to society for completing this act but I hope you will agree that completing this act is priceless. If you have any information that can help us calculate a cost-benefit, please get in touch.

Thumbnail for Adopt an otter

Adopt an otter

  • Happiness rating:
  • Cost benefit to society: Priceless
  • Time to complete: 20 mins
  • 20 people added this
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