If you switch to use Ecosia as your search engine browser, they will plant a tree for every 45 internet searches you make.


This cost-benefit is based on the average number of internet searches a person will make in a year, divided by how many trees would be planted to Ecosia, and the savings of CO2 from the atmosphere by these trees. While £45.63 might not sound a large amount of savings, this actually equates to the removal of over 9,000kg of CO2 over the course of a year. Not bad for a simple search engine switch! 

Suitable for Businesses
Thumbnail for Switching your search engine browser to ‘Ecosia’

Switching your search engine browser to ‘Ecosia’

  • Happiness rating:
  • Cost benefit to society: £45.63
  • Time to complete: 10 mins
  • 49 people added this
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